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Dragonheart 17th December, 2011 07:43 AM

Server autorestart with no root access

I'm running a few UT2004 servers on a Debian dedicated server. I have a restricted SSH account on it with full access only to a single directory with ut2004 servers (no root, so I can't install any applications). I'm running all servers in screens. Sometimes they crash and I have to start them again manually. Is there a script to restart them automaticly without a need of root access?

I've already tried some, but it just started running one process by another even while the server didn't crash.

I'm a complete noob in unix, so a detailed explanation would be appreciated :) Thx!

UTBaDaSS 20th December, 2011 03:38 AM

Install a Webmin thru SSH and you can make autostart cron jobs.

go here.....

Dragonheart 20th December, 2011 06:46 AM

The problem is:

Originally Posted by Dragonheart (Post 163837)
I have a restricted SSH account on it with full access only to a single directory with ut2004 server.

I have no root access.

I can start and manage files in a directory of ut2004 servers only. So the only idea I see is smth like a script that will be loaded in memory for all time, checking if ut2004 server process is running every 10 secs for example and starting it again if it's not, but I have no idea on how to realise it in unix.

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